Saturday, February 9, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!


stephanie said...

check you out you are a PRO already, you got the slide show goin, and you have a playlist too !! good job!

Sassy said...

Are you serious? Doing it two days and you act like you know what you are doing!!!! Dang sister! YOU ARE AWESOME!

Sassy said...

Good Luck tomorrow Lucy
I sure do love ya!!
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
You will DO GREAT!

stephanie said...

i have a new blog, send us your email address so i can invite you---also how did the surgery go? ♥ tay

Sassy said...

I am so glad you made a comment! How is Lucy doing? I am glad she is home. How are you doing? Keep me up on things... Sure do l♥ve ya

Jen Pennington said...

Lucy is doing well. She's in a lot of pain and that's hard to handle. The surgery went very well though so that makes us smile! We were treated like royalty and Phoenix Children's Hospital does such a great job making kids feel better about being there! I've got great pictures so I'll let you know when I get them on here!

Jen Pennington said...

Taylor, help me find your blog!

stephanie said...

hey jen, i am glad the surgery went WELL, we arent glad that lucy is in a lot of pain though---sorry about not calling today-dance competition went a little longer than i see tays blog i need to know your email address so that we can send you an invite----thanks.steph

Nurse Brenda said...

Just wanted to let you know that Nurse Brenda and Nurse Cindy are thinking of you!!

Hope you feel better soon!! :)

Miss Georgette said...

Dear Lucy, You are so beautiful. I Love that song, " You are so beautiful to me". I love you and miss you! Miss Georgette ( front desk at NWBS)